More than 20 years ago Friedrich Kuhlmeyer designed the first edge beveller for the preparation of weld bevels. In the beginning most were sceptical towards the new method. Due to the use of the latest high performance grinding belts combined with other modifications the KUHLMEYER Universal-Edge-Beveller (UKF) is now used in many steel processing industries worldwide.
When processing regular mild steels this method already stands out. When grinding high tensile or austenitic steel it is second to none!#
Here is why. The flexibility regarding different bevelling angles with relatively high feed speed and the increasing durability of the belts as well as the simplicity of grinding steel of different qualities makes the Grinding of bevels remarkably lucrative compared to milling and thermal cutting. The UKF oftentimes also finds deployment in removing oxide layers after laser cutting.
The Universal-Edge-Beveller is offered in editing lengths of up to 18 meters. With an additional conveyor system even longer workpieces can be processed in multiple steps.
Another benefit of the UKF-Concept is the processing of upper and lower bevel with only one clamping, without effortful flipping of the sheet. For multi-step processing the machine can be equipped with additional grinding units as well as with delta grinding units for the removal of coatings.
In the ship building industry or in bridge construction where high amounts of HP-profiles are needed, only flow processing works accordingly. Since the material is often not perfectly flat the system needs to be equipped with adequate conveyor rollers and contact pressure elements. Therefore, the UKF can be equipped with several options such as automatic loading, additional struts for long work pieces, suction and remote-maintenance software. For the contact pressure of the work piece on the table pressures of up to 10 tonnes on 3 meters are available.
When processing of HP-profiles as they are often used in shipyards the bevels need to be processed with 4 Belt grinding aggregates
- One high-performance belt grinder each for the front side and the welding bevel and
- Two Delta grinding aggregates for the removal of primer and mill scale on the upper and lower side
You can view the Universal-Edge-Beveller in our demonstration center or even at our customers. The UKF will also be on site and ready for demonstration at the EuroBLECH 2018 in Hanover.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
In case of concrete issues or requests please contact us beforehand, so we can take the time for you. If you are interested in our products but you cannot make it to the exhibition you are welcome to visit us in Bad Oeynhausen, where we have our demonstration centre.